Ruffle aims to revive Flash content securely on browsers and PC


In an era where technology evolves at a breakneck pace, Ruffle stands as a harbinger of nostalgia, reviving the once-ubiquitous Flash content across a plethora of contemporary operating systems and web browsers. This open-source Flash Player emulator rekindles the animation and interactive experiences of yesteryear with simple plugins and executables. It is open-source and has made a lot of progress in recent years.

Ruffle's Alien Hominid flash demo
Ruffle’s Alien Hominid flash demo

If you’ve ever played flash games at their prime, you know there were a lot of gems that you’d give another go if you could. But Flash, being a security nightmare, caused its own demise, and these games did not live to see HTML5. This project might be a catalyst to bringing them back to life, without the security vulnerability. Web developers also can add a script to their source code to enable anyone to play the old flash games they have.

If you can’t wait, you can go and check out Ruffle’s demo page and play a few game right on your browser.


Ensuring a Secure Experience

Ruffle uses the rust programming language, which is a memory safe language known for taking security seriously. You can use Ruffles’ browser plugin to run flash games on a browser or a standalone desktop app to run flash games on your PC.

It leverages the robust security features of Rust and WebAssembly, Ruffle circumvents the notorious vulnerabilities that once plagued Flash, providing a sanctuary for users to revisit classic content.

ActionScript: The Heartbeat of Content

At the core of content rejuvenation lies ActionScript, the scripting language that infuses games and applications with dynamism. Ruffle categorizes content based on the version of ActionScript employed in its creation, focusing on two critical components:

  • Language Mechanics: The crux of Ruffle lies in deciphering the intricacies of the virtual machine and the syntactic dance of variables, classes, and their interplay.
  • API porting: Reconstruction of a collection of built-in functions and classes that were staples in the original environment, such as object manipulation and web communication, e.t.c.


The year 2023 has been bustling with activity for Ruffle, propelling its compatibility with ActionScript 3 from a mere 60% to a commendable 75% for language and 68% for API functionality—a leap from the initial 25% benchmark.

Visual Fidelity and Optimization

A major milestone includes the implementation of seven out of ten Flash filter effects—critical in rendering authentic visuals and ensuring legibility. Ruffle now supports cacheAsBitmap, significantly optimizing performance by eliminating redundant rendering.

Textual Enhancements

The quest to refine text rendering has borne fruit with basic Text Layout Framework support, ushering in advanced text display capabilities. Text inputs have also seen improvements with enhanced functionality and visual depiction of text selection.

Connectivity Breakthroughs

A monumental achievement is the successful emulation of Flash’s socket communication on the web, defying modern browser limitations—a lifeline for multiplayer games dependent on this feature.

Media Playback Innovations

Ruffle now supports FLV playback. The emulation of FLV video playback has seen substantial progress, with support varying by codec. For patented codecs, workarounds are showing progress. These solutions maintain compliance and improve user experience.

Compatibility Across ActionScript Versions

Efforts to enable seamless functioning between mixed ActionScript version content are underway, addressing several complex bugs that previously led to unexplained failures.

Extension Evolution

Ruffle’s browser extension has undergone improvements, and now is available on the Edge store and Firefox for Android.

Desktop Interface Advancements

The desktop interface has evolved, keeping simplicity while introducing an array of options for content playback and novel debugging tools surpassing those available in the original Flash Player.

Future Roadmap

Pioneering AIR Support

Ruffle has embarked on integrating AIR-specific features, as a long-term ambition of the project. This addition helps to resolve many compatibility issues by accurately representing API versions.

Learning about this project has made me very excited. Flash was an easy to access games without costly hardware requirements. And there were tons to choose from. Even though small, they offered a lot of fun and memories with friends and family.

If you really can’t wait, you could easily take it out on a test drive by installing on your web browser. Be mindful that bugs are bound to happen as it is not a one-to-one replacement for flash yet. You can report the bugs on the GitHub Issues page.

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