Net Framework offline installers – ver 3 and above

.Net framework is an application framework that is moving towards opensource and cross platform compatibility. Download Net framework offline installers in a single place.

The .Net framework is a framework by Microsoft that’s moving to be a cross platform framework. The .net core has been open sourced in 2014, which adds to the inclination of Microsoft to open source with the new CEO. Additionally, Xamarin is now a part of Visual Studio, including in the free Visual Studio Community, enabling you to build iOS, Android and UWP apps that you can upload to any app store.

net framework offline installers

But to run software based on .Net frameworks, you need to have .net framework installed. This is similar to requiring java runtime environment on system to run java based applications. The .Net framework is offered free and as offline installers from Microsoft. But depending on the operating system, you will need different versions of .Net framework. This ranges from .Net framework version 3 for operating systems like Windows XP to now .Net framework 4.6.2 preview for Windows 10.

Here we’ve put up original and alternative locations for download of different net framework offline installer.

.Net Framework 3.0 Service Pack 1


.Net Framework 3.5


.Net Framework 4.0


.Net Framework 4.5.1


.Net Framework 4.5.2


.Net Framework 4.6.1


.Net Framework 4.6.2 Preview


These files were directly uploaded to the cloud and were not modified in any way. You can verify it by downloading them and checking their signatures in their properties. These are to serve in case microsoft sites links are down and other reason.

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