Google WebFonts V2: Free and open source font gallery

Google's WebFonts is an ongoing project providing designers and webmasters with free and open source fonts which can be used for any private or commercial projects.

This is a Google project to prove designers, webmasters and programmers with free and open source fonts. So you can use them for any of your project commercial or not without any fear of copyright infringement. The fonts in the gallery are specially designed for web designing purpose.And Google has just launched a new interface to make everything much easier.

google web fonts v2

Now the Google WebFonts will have three viewing modes namely “Words“, “Sentences” and “Paragraph“. Which makes a user a whole alot easier to view how the fonts looks and feels on different formats. And the filters like font type, thickness and scripts make it even easier to find the font that fits perfectly to your needs.

google web fonts search

So if you are a web-designer, developer or a programmer and you want your hands on some high quality free fonts then this is the first place to start your search. I’ve seen some great fonts and think this going to be a great project.

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