Find the Font you are looking for.

If you have some font that you have in a pic and want to know which font is it. Then you can use this site and upload the image file with the font in it and find the nearest match with the font from the database of the site.

If you have some font that you have in a pic and want to know which font is it. Then you can use this site and upload the image file with the font in it and find the nearest match with the font from the database of the site.

Step 1- Upload the Image File with the font.


Step 2- Verify the Characters that match your image.


Step 3. Get The Matching Results.


The site also has a forum full of  font fanatics so you can use it and share the picture in the forums and let the forum members help you find which font it is.

The Site is


Hope you will find the font you are looking for.

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