
Sphere Surface Area Unveiled: Basics and Formulas ($19.99 to FREE)

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Sphere Surface Area Unveiled:  Basics and Formulas

1. What is the meaning of sphere?

2. What is meant by radius of sphere?

3. What are the properties of a sphere?

4. Which are some examples of spheres in everyday life?

5. What is meant by Hemisphere?

6. At how much distance from the center of the sphere lies any point on surface area of sphere?

7. What is the difference between Sphere and Hemisphere?

8. How many faces a sphere has?

9. What is meant by surface area of a sphere?

10. What is the formula for calculation of a sphere?

11. What is meant by “π” in the formula for calculation of a sphere?

12. How to find the surface area of a sphere when radius is given?

13. How to calculate the surface area of a sphere when diameter of sphere is given?

14. How to calculate the ratio of surface areas of the two balloons when radius of a spherical balloon is doubled?

15. How to calculate the radius of a sphere when surface area of sphere is given?

16. How to calculate the ratio of surface area of moon and earth when diameter of the moon is approximately one-fourth of diameter of the earth?

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