
Media Training for Democratic Candidates: You Can Win ($19.99 to FREE)

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Media Training for Democratic Candidates: You Can Win

Imagine yourself speaking as effectively to voters as FDR, Kennedy or Clinton. You can learn the secrets of speaking with passion and substance, to live audiences and the media.

Learn to win votes every time you open your mouth.

       This course is specifically for Democratic candidates running for public office in the United States. Candidates will earn how to develop a stump speech, hold press conferences, speak to live audiences and the media. Additionally, they will learn how to defend themselves from Republican attacks. The course will cover every aspect of developing messages, answering reporters' questions and speaking in sound bites. You will learn how to be a better candidate through this course. You will learn all the essential elements of media training, public speaking and presentation training. 

Course updated on July 23, 2015

There is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this course. And the instructor also provides an enhanced guarantee.

TJ Walker has more than 100,000 courses enrollments from more than 14,000 online students around the globe.

This Media Training course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: journalism - media training - radio jockey - confidence on - camera - confidence - radio - camera - camera confidence - video - TJ Walker. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: journalism - videography - confidence.

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