
Intentional Leadership ($84.99 to FREE)

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Intentional Leadership ($84.99 to FREE)
« on: Mar 29, 2024, 08:37 AM »
Intentional Leadership

What does it mean to be an Intentional as a Leader?

How can you be Intentional in Your Leadership?

What are the benefits of this approach to Leadership?

The main aim of this course is to help you understand and develop ways to become a more effective leader, being intentional in your actions.

This is not a trend or a fad topic for anyone going into, already or seeking to become Leadership positions.

It is to help equip Leaders with other tools that will enable them deliver their objectives in a timely, impactful way.

Intentional leadership highlights traits such as:

- Clarity and focus

- The responsibility of designing a framework

- Learning, improvements and continuous research

- Execution and delivery (arguably the most important element)

- Drivers and levers (at work, of your goals, personal, team, of the business et al)

- Outcomes and end goals

- Relentless focus

- Lessons, feedback,  (ongoing)

- Maintaining focus - concentrating on the important things

- Repeat and integrate

How to develop these skills as a Leader.

How to integrate some of these traits into your leadership.

Some and all of these may not be necessary or required immediately or at the same time as a leader, but the above discussed traits or elements if inculcated along with other skills WILL improve your EFFECTIVENESS in LEADERSHIP.



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