
Coping and Moving Forward After a Layoff at Your Organization ($49.99 to FREE)

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Coping & Moving Forward After a Layoff at Your Organization

Course Description: Navigating the Emotional and Practical Aftermath of a Layoff

Losing your job can be a devastating and disorienting experience. This comprehensive course helps those affected by layoffs navigate the emotional impact while providing practical strategies for moving forward with confidence and resilience.

Modules include:

-Understanding Your Emotions: Learn to recognize and manage the complex range of emotions following a layoff, including grief, anger, and survivor's guilt. Develop essential self-care strategies to promote your well-being during this time.

-Rebuilding Your Future: Address financial concerns, rebuild your confidence, and create a proactive job search strategy. Learn to reframe your story with a focus on your skills and potential.

-Revitalize Your Job Search: Define your ideal career path, craft a compelling resume that highlights your strengths, and develop powerful interview skills to showcase your value to potential employers.

-Adapting in the Workplace: For those who remain after layoffs, learn strategies for navigating workplace changes, supporting colleagues, and building trust within a potentially altered team dynamic.

-Continuous Growth: Develop a growth mindset essential for thriving in the evolving job market. Discover upskilling opportunities to stay relevant and cultivate the resilience needed for a future-ready workforce.

This course provides a supportive environment to process emotions, develop actionable plans, and become empowered for a successful career transition.

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