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CSS, JavaScript And PHP Complete Course For Beginners

Learn CSS And Javascript And PHP Complete Course For Beginners

section 1- CSS course with basics and advanced concepts of CSS

-Ever wonder how the latest website designs are made? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the main coding files used to layout a website and its design. CSS 3 is the latest in styling standards, and it brings several new properties and declarations you can use to make your website design more easily created. CSS is currently the only standard in website design that plugs directly into your HTML, even the latest HTML 5 standards. With CSS 3 and HTML 5, you can create the latest interactive pages for your website viewers.

-This course shows you how to create CSS classes from a beginner's level. It starts off with basic HTML declarations, properties, values, and how to include a CSS style sheet with your HTML code. For those of you who are new to CSS and HTML, we show you step-by-step how to create a CSS file and include it in your HTML code, even if you use a cloud server for your hosting.

-We show you how to position your elements, layout your elements relative to your documents, and style your HTML using predefined CSS values. We introduce you to the common CSS styling that you'll need when you start off designing your pages. If you want to get to know CSS and website design, this course is meant for you, and it can be used by anyone who hasn't even seen one line of CSS code yet. We focus on the latest CSS 3 and HTML 5 standards, so you get the latest when coding your website pages instead of focusing on older code.

-There are no prerequisites. Anyone Can join this course. It is recommended though that individuals have some basic computer programming knowledge.

-Course Topics

-Introduction to CSS

-inclusion Of CSS In HTML

-CSS syntax

-CSS styling Text

-CSS page backgrounds

-CSS 2D transform

-CSS 3D transform

-CSS animation

 and more....

Section 2- learn javascript programming language

-The course is created with thorough, extensive, but easy-to-follow content that you’ll easily understand and absorb.

The course starts with the basics, including JavaScript fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.

The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional Javascript developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Javascript basics and programming fundamentals, and then execute into real-life practice and be ready for the real world.

-While Javascript is complicated for beginners to learn, it is widely used in many web development areas.

-This course gets you started with an introduction to JavaScript. It assumes that you're new to the language, so it gets you started with basic functionality such as creating functions, creating variables, and calling these lines of code from your standard HTML pages. It talks about events and triggers for custom event handling. It talks about pattern matching, searching for text within a page, flow control, and the document object model (DOM). We start off with the basics and move on to more complex functionality such as arrays and objects. We then discuss how to script common elements with JavaScript such as forms and tables. At the very end, we discuss major libraries such as Ajax, which allows you to make asynchronous calls to server-side scripts without reloading the web page in the server.

-Master the fundamentals of writing Javascript scripts

-Learn core Javascript scripting elements such as variables and Objects

-Discover how to work with lists and sequence data

-Write Javascript functions to facilitate code reuse

-Use Javascript to read and write files

-Make their code robust by handling errors and exceptions properly

-Search text using regular expressions

-The topics covered in this course are:

* javascript course contents:

-Javascript introduction

-Javascript array

-Javascript variables

-Javascript functions

-Javascript objects

-Javascript control statements

-Javascript cookies

-Javascript loop statements

-Javascript data structures

-Javascript error handling

-Javascript regular expressions

section 3- learn PHP programming language

In this section, we will learn the basic structure of a web application, and how a web browser interacts with a web server. You'll be introduced to the request/response cycle, including GET/POST/Redirect. You'll also gain an introductory understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), as well as the basic syntax and data structures of the PHP language, variables, logic, iteration, arrays, error handling, and superglobal variables, among other elements.

-The topics covered in this PHP course are:

-PHP various operator types

-PHP arrays

-PHP conditional statements

-PHP loops

-PHP function statements

-PHP decision making

-PHP file Input and Output

-PHP web concepts



-PHP scalar declaration

-Thank you see you inside the course

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C++ Complete Training Course for Beginners 2022

C++ Complete Training Course 2022

This course will help you learn C++ basics and give you hands-on experience to create your own projects and work with computer memory. With its adaptability and fast rendering, you’ll find the C++ programming language used everywhere, from web browsers to game development and operating systems to science and machine learning tools.

This C++ Programming Course is designed to meet the industry benchmarks. This C++ programming course will give you extensive knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Coding Styles and Design Patterns, Generic Programming and Standard Template Library.

The course examines common programming constructs as they are implemented in C++ including C++ 11. Topics include the use of C++ for memory management, file input/output (I/O), pointers, references, exceptions, and object-oriented programming. Basic data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues are covered in terms of their usage and implementation using C++.

Also, this course has been created to help you learn all the basics concepts that are the core of C++ Programing. This way, you will not only program in this language, but you will also understand the logic behind this programming language and will be able to create various applications in it on your own. Indeed, if you don’t have prior programming experience, the hardest part is understanding the programming logic and this course covers all the topics to help you succeed in C++ programming.

Subjects/topics you will learn through the course are

-C++ Overview

-Functions and variables


-Operator Overloading

-Initialization and Assignment

-Storage Management





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Python And Flask Framework Complete Course For Beginners

Python And Flask Framework Complete Course For Beginners

1) Learn Python From Scratch

This course is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level in Python programming. It covers a wide range of topics, starting with the basics such as Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction. As you progress, you will learn about more advanced concepts such as data structures, object-oriented programming, functional programming, testing, debugging, error handling, regular expressions, and more.

In addition to Python fundamentals, the course also covers the Flask web framework, which is popular for building web applications with Python. You will learn how to build web apps using Flask, including topics such as URL building, HTTP methods, templates, static files, request object, cookies, session object, and more.

Overall, the course is designed to be thorough, easy to follow, and hands-on, so you can easily understand and absorb the content. By the end of the course, you should be well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to become a professional Python developer and start building your own Python applications.

-The topics covered in this course are:

Array implementation

File methods

Keywords and Identifiers

Python Tuples

Python Basics

Python Fundamentals

Data Structures

Object-Oriented Programming with Python

Functional Programming with Python




Testing in Python


Error Handling

Regular Expressions



2) Flask is a popular Python web framework.

- The tutorials in this section are intermediate to advanced tutorials that cover key aspects of Flask development.

    *Flask Framework:

Flask Web Framework, In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications .so that you can start building API and develop web applications using Python Flask Web Framework.

-How to build Python web apps with Flask

-How to use the Jinja template language to create the look of your apps

-How to use the SQLite database to start development

-How to use other databases with Flask by using Flask-SQLAlchemy

-Using Flask to process incoming request data.


-Course Overview

Flask Framework - URL Building

Flask Framework - HTTP Method

Flask Framework - Templates

Flask Framework - Static Files

Flask Framework - Request Object

Flask - Request.from Object

Flask Framework - Cookies

Flask Framework - Session Object

And More...

-See you inside the course!

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RPG Maker MV: Crea juegos RPG exitosos desde cero

Si alguna vez has soñado con crear tu propio videojuego RPG con su historia, personajes, técnicas, batallas y todo lo que tu imaginación sea capaz de idear, este curso es para ti. A través del uso de RPG Maker, en este caso la versión MV, aprenderás a sacar el máximo provecho a este poderoso motor de creación de JRPGs.

RPG Maker MV es capaz de lograr muchísimas cosas si se sabe utilizar bien, y hay de sobra varios títulos exitosos en el mercado que lo demuestran. El asunto está en justamente dominar la herramienta al máximo. En este curso daremos dos enfoques principales:

1. Conocerás y dominarás RPG Maker MV a fondo conociendo los límites hasta dónde el motor puede llevarte SIN SABER PROGRAMAR.

2. Conocerás cómo funciona el núcleo de RPG Maker MV para poder PROGRAMAR y desatar así la magia y las posibilidades infinitas que el saber codificar te brinda. Al programar, literalmente ya no habrá límites a lo que puedes crear.

De este modo entenderás cómo funciona la librería completa del motor del juego y cómo acceder a los componentes internos para hacer literalmente lo que quieras. Pero es importante que sepas algo:


Dominarás primero toda la herramienta hasta dónde esta llega sin la necesidad de codificar, luego te mostraré cómo opera internamente RPG Maker MV para que, si sabes programar, puedas dar rienda suelta a tu imaginación, incluso trabajaremos con ejemplos prácticos.

También hablaremos sobre conceptos teóricos importantes sobre el diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos, los cuales van más allá del género (en este caso RPG y JRPG), la herramienta concreta a utilizar, etc., sino que son temas generales a la creación de cualquier videojuego en sí. Si tu intención es publicar y ganar dinero con tus creaciones, más vale que te vuelvas una persona profesional, que hace las cosas con conocimiento y que pone el máximo empeño.

No encontrarás otro curso como este en ningún lugar, en el cual conocerás hasta el más mínimo detalle del interior de RPG Maker MV, desglosando hasta sus huesos para comprender su verdadero poder y darte cuenta de que su, a veces, mala fama no es porque el motor no sea potente o competente, es porque la gente no lo sabe usar.


1. Nociones de RPG Maker MV

-a. Creación de proyectos

-b. Eventos de mapa

-c. Enlazado de mapas

-d. Concepto de metalenguaje

-e. Esqueleto de un proyecto

-f. Hojas de eventos

-g. Interruptores locales y globales

-h. Obtención de dinero e ítems

-i. Derivaciones condicionales

-j. Tiendas y posadas

-k. Uso básico de variables globales

-l. Reclutamiento de actores (personajes)

2. Base de datos y sistema de batallas

-a. Estadísticas y lógica de batallas

-b. Encuentros aleatorios y por eventos

-c. Fórmulas de daño

-d. Roles (clases)

-e. Actores

-f. Tipos elementales y habilidades

-g. Configuración de debilidades entre tipos elementales

-h. Atributos

-i. Ítems, armas y armaduras

-j. IA de enemigos

-k. Configuración final del proyecto

3. Eventos y variables

-a. Creación de un prototipo

-b. Escenas cortadas

-c. Comandos de eventos

-d. Eventos comunes (globales)

-e. Eventos internos de batalla

-f. Flujo de progresión

4. Tilesets y activos

-a. Mapeado

-b. Animaciones

-c. Creador de personajes

-d. Técnica de paralaje

-e. Uso de fuentes personalizadas

-f. Assets de sistema

5. Prototipado y despliegue

-a. Un prototipo de Pokémon

-b. Configuración avanzada de eventos interrelacionados

-c. Creando un sistema de captura

-d. Modificando el sistema de batallas

-e. Despliegue de un proyecto

-f. Encriptación básica de imágenes y sonido

-g. Subir a un servidor Web

-h. Uso de Enigma Virtual Box para ofuscado avanzado en Windows

-i. Despliegue de un proyecto para Android

6. Plugins de terceros

-a. Instalación de un plugin

-b. Uso de parámetros

-c. Uso de comandos e invocación por eventos

-d. Uso de notetags

-e. Ejemplo con plugins por defecto

-f. Plugins de SRDude

-g. Plugins de Yanfly

-h. Plugins de Galvs

-i. Otros bancos de plugins

-j. Poniendo el juego en 3D

7. Scripting

-a. Biblioteca de RPG Maker MV

-b. Arquitectura del motor y objetos

-c. SriptCalls

-d. Uso de scripts personalizados

-e. Caso práctico de scripting

8. Programación de plugins

-a. La estructura de un plugin

-b. Definiendo parámetros

-c. Definiendo comandos invocables

-d. Definiendo notetags

-e. Creación de plugin Pokémon

-f. Documentación de plugins y uso de notaciones

9. Teoría de desarrollo de videojuegos

-a. Proceso de diseño

-b. Documento de diseño

-c. Prototipado

-d. Diseño de niveles

-e. Diseño de mecánicas

-f. Narrativa

-g. Disonancia ludonarrativa

-h. Estructura de tres actos

-i. Estructura del Viaje del Héroe

-j. Balanceo

-k. Puzzles

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Aprende Hacking Ético: Protege y Penetra Redes

En nuestro apasionante curso "Descubre las Técnicas de Ciberseguridad que Todo Profesional Necesita para Proteger y Evaluar Redes con Ética y Destreza", te embarcarás en un viaje educativo que te equipará con las habilidades esenciales para enfrentar los desafíos digitales de hoy en día. Explorarás los principios del hacking ético y la ciberseguridad desde sus fundamentos, adentrándote en el fascinante mundo de la protección y evaluación de redes.

Durante el curso, aprenderás a salvaguardar sistemas informáticos y redes de posibles amenazas cibernéticas, todo mientras mantienes un enfoque ético y legal. Dominarás las herramientas y técnicas utilizadas por los profesionales de la ciberseguridad, permitiéndote comprender y anticipar vulnerabilidades antes de que se conviertan en riesgos reales.

Nuestro experimentado equipo de instructores te guiará a través de ejercicios prácticos y casos de estudio del mundo real, brindándote una comprensión profunda de los desafíos y soluciones en el campo de la seguridad digital. Al final del curso, habrás adquirido la confianza necesaria para enfrentar los desafíos de la ciberseguridad con responsabilidad y destreza.

No pierdas la oportunidad de unirte a esta emocionante aventura educativa que te convertirá en un defensor de la seguridad cibernética y un evaluador ético de redes. Únete a nosotros y descubre cómo proteger y penetrar redes de manera ética mientras te conviertes en un experto en ciberseguridad.

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App screenshot for Fit Beats-EDM Beat Music game
App Description:
Fit Beats is an endless and yet oddly addictive game. Your job is to Tap left or right to rotate and match the shapes while listening to beats.

Easy to learn, hard to master. Challenge your friends on Game Center and have fun :)



- iOS 11 or later support

- Awesome Gameplay music

- Better sound effects

- Game Center intergration

- Enjoy beautiful minimalistic design and relaxing game music

- Adorable , fun, and thoughtful design

- Social sharing of your score.

Having any problems? Any suggestions? We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at support at -

Download Fit Beats-EDM Beat Music game from the Appstore   Download More Apps Gone Free
Cover Image for Never Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend: A Sweet Small Town, Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Sweet Spring Kisses)

Author: Abby Greyson.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (145 Reviews)

Book Description:

This is a kisses only, sweet romance.
My brother’s best friend shattered my heart when he left to chase a dream of shoulder pads and glory. Now he’s back, but even worse, so is my crush.
I’m not in love with Mason Sanderson anymore, so I keep telling myself.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the face of every hero in any romance novel I’ve ever read.
My new next-door neighbor is not the man of my dreams.
The flutters and butterflies when I see him around don’t mean anything.
As his best friend’s little sister, I’m the perfect choice when he needs a date for his former team’s fundraising event.
No drama, no expectations–off limits.
Then his ex shows up.
I’ve waited a lifetime for him to ask me out, but it’s not real. I’m in the friend zone.
Anyone know how to keep a heart intact when heartbreak is inevitable?

Download Never Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend: A Sweet Small Town, Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Sweet Spring Kisses) for Kindle   Download More Amazon Books
Cover Image for The Fear of Winter: A Kidnapping Crime Thriller: (Book One in The Fear Of Series)

Author: S. C. Sterling.

Rating: 4.1 out of 5 (145 Reviews)

Book Description:

In this immersive thriller a father resumes the search for his missing daughter after the case of her disappearance goes cold. Great for fans of Gillian Flynn, Stieg Larsson, Tana French and Jess Lourey.
On a frigid December night, Megan Floyd vanishes from the mountain town of Fraser, Colorado. The extensive search provides no answers and as attention of her disappearance fades, the case goes cold. Her father, Tom Floyd, is forced to confront his worst fear that his daughter will never be found, and soon his life and marriage begin to disintegrate around him.

A year after the disappearance and with no new leads, Tom hires private investigator Marshall York, a former detective, and his assistant Hannah Jacobs. They soon start to uncover the secrets of Megan’s dangerous second life, all while fighting their own demons. Tom is guilt-ridden over a missing child case from his past, and Hannah is haunted by the unsolved murder of her older sister.

The case begins to consume all three of their lives, and as they dig deeper, they start to unravel the dark truth of what happened to Megan.

Download The Fear of Winter: A Kidnapping Crime Thriller: (Book One in The Fear Of Series) for Kindle   Download More Amazon Books
Cover Image for The Witch Club: A Scottish Witches Mystery (Scottish Witches Mysteries Book 1)

Author: Felicity Green.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (150 Reviews)

Book Description:

A creepy inn. Missing men. When only her new employee believes her, can she foil a pagan plot before she ends up dead?
The Scottish Highlands. Dessie McKendrick is obsessed. Ten years after her husband disappeared during their honeymoon, the determined B&B owner never left the village where he was last seen. And after her decade-long detailed investigation, she finally feels vindicated when another bride wakes up with a vanished groom.
With evidence piling up pointing to a local women’s club, Dessie follows a suspicious person on a dark night and sees cloaked figures performing a ritual sacrifice. And when she discovers that her one ally is really a secretive witch with conflicted loyalties, the stubborn widow doubles down on her search for a murderer…
Can she expose a dangerous conspiracy, or will she fall victim to a coven of crafty spellcasters?
The Witch Club is the addictive first book in the Scottish Witches paranormal cozy mystery series. If you like loyal heroines, thrilling action, and Highland lore, then you’ll love Felicity Green’s unputdownable tale.

Download The Witch Club: A Scottish Witches Mystery (Scottish Witches Mysteries Book 1) for Kindle   Download More Amazon Books
Personal Productivity & Life Planning

Welcome to course: Personal Productivity

Course provided by MTF Institute of Management, Technology and Finance

MTF is the global educational and research institute with HQ at Lisbon, Portugal, focused on business & professional hybrid (on-campus and online) education at areas: Business & Administration, Science & Technology, Banking & Finance.

MTF R&D center focused on research activities at areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, WEB3, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets, Metaverses, Digital Transformation, Fintech, Electronic Commerce, Internet of Things.

MTF is the official partner of: IBM, Intel, Microsoft, member of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and resident of the incubator "The Fintech House of Portugal".

MTF is present in 208 countries and has been chosen by more than 380,000 students.

Personal productivity is a crucial skill set for individuals seeking career success and personal happiness in today's fast-paced and demanding world. This comprehensive course on Personal Productivity is designed to provide participants with the necessary tools, strategies, and mindset to optimize their management skills, enhance leadership abilities, and achieve personal and professional goals. By focusing on key topics such as time management, goal setting, and self-development, this course empowers individuals to cultivate a productive and fulfilling life.

Introduction to Personal Productivity

In this module, participants will be introduced to the concept of personal productivity and its significance in their career and overall happiness. They will explore various theories and models related to productivity enhancement, setting the stage for a comprehensive understanding of the course. Key topics include:

The Ying Yang Concept

Understanding the delicate balance between work and personal life is essential for achieving sustainable productivity and maintaining a healthy well-being. Participants will learn strategies to strike a harmonious equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal fulfillment.

Balance Wheel

The Lecture Balance Wheel is a powerful tool for evaluating and assessing various dimensions of life, such as health, relationships, career, finances, personal growth, and leisure. Participants will learn how to utilize this tool to identify areas that require attention and create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Productivity Pyramid

The Productivity Pyramid provides a structured approach to personal productivity, enabling individuals to prioritize tasks and focus their efforts on high-value activities. T


Understanding one's core values is crucial for aligning personal and professional goals and making decisions that are in harmony with one's true self. Participants will explore their values and learn how to incorporate them into their daily lives to enhance motivation, drive, and overall productivity.

Values Detaily

Delving deeper into the concept of values, participants will learn how to define their values in detail. By understanding their values at a granular level, individuals can make intentional choices that are in line with their authentic selves, leading to increased satisfaction and productivity.

Understanding Burnout

Burnout is a prevalent issue in today's high-pressure work environments, and it can significantly impact both career progression and personal well-being. This module will delve into the causes and symptoms of burnout, as well as strategies to prevent and overcome it. Key topics include:

7 Reasons for Burnout

Participants will gain insights into the seven common causes of burnout, such as excessive workload, lack of control, insufficient support, and conflicting values. Understanding these factors is crucial for identifying and mitigating burnout risks.

Burnout Syndrome

Participants will explore the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of burnout syndrome. They will learn to recognize the warning signs and implement effective strategies to restore well-being and productivity.

Navigating VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, individuals need to be equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate VUCA situations effectively. This module will provide participants with the necessary tools to thrive amidst volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

VUCA Concept

Participants will understand the VUCA framework and its implications in personal and professional contexts. They will learn strategies to manage ambiguity, embrace change, and make informed decisions in dynamic environments.

Henry Ford Theory

Henry Ford's Theory of Productivity emphasizes the importance of efficient processes and time management. Participants will explore Ford's principles and learn how to streamline their workflow, eliminate wasteful activities, and maximize productivity.

Flexibility and Adaptability

In an ever-changing world, being flexible and adaptable is vital for personal and professional growth. This module will focus on developing the mindset and skills necessary to embrace change and thrive in diverse environments.

Developing Flexibility

Participants will learn techniques to develop adaptability, resilience, and agility. They will explore strategies for embracing change, overcoming resistance, and seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Practical Tasks

Throughout the course, participants will engage in five practical tasks aimed at applying the concepts learned. These tasks will challenge participants to integrate productivity techniques into their daily lives, providing opportunities for reflection, feedback, and improvement.

Importance of Learning and Training Personal Productivity for Career and Happiness:

Learning and training personal productivity skills are of paramount importance for individuals seeking career success and personal happiness. Here's why:

Career Success:

Effective time management, goal setting, and self-management skills are fundamental to career advancement and productivity. By learning to prioritize tasks, set clear goals, and manage their time efficiently, individuals can maximize their productivity and achieve professional success. Additionally, developing strong management skills and leadership qualities through personal productivity training allows individuals to effectively lead teams, solve problems, and drive organizational success.

Personal Happiness:

Personal productivity training goes beyond professional success and extends to personal fulfillment and happiness. By optimizing their time and resources, individuals can create a better work-life balance, nurturing their relationships, pursuing personal passions, and prioritizing self-care. Personal productivity skills also foster a positive mindset, resilience, and adaptability, enabling individuals to navigate challenges, manage stress, and maintain overall well-being.

By equipping themselves with management skills, leadership qualities, and a strong foundation in personal productivity, individuals can unlock their full potential, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives. This course serves as a transformative journey towards personal and professional growth, combining the principles of time management, goal setting, and self-development with the principles of happiness, positive psychology, and mindset optimization.

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