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Free Udemy Coupons for Today / Java Training Complete Course 2022 ($54.99 to FREE)
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Java Training Complete Course 2022

Why Learn Java?

Java is a general-purpose, versatile and popular programming language. It's great as a first language because it is concise and easy to read, and it is also a good language to have in any programmer's stack as it can be used for everything from web development to software development and scientific applications.

Take-Away Skills:

This course is a great introduction to both fundamental programming concepts and the Java programming language. By the end, you'll be comfortable programming in Core Java.

This Course is the first of a series of courses that make up the Core Java Specialization. The Core Java Specialization, in turn, is part of a series of programming specializations and designed to provide the skill set necessary to be hired as an IT developer using Java in many corporate environments. This course includes hands-on practice and will give you a solid knowledge of the Java language. After completing this course, you will be able to identify Java’s benefits, program in basic Java syntax using Java data types, and incorporate branches and loops. The audience for this course: - Anyone interested in learning Java - Programmers - Technical Managers - Application Developers

Topics Covered:

Module-1: Java Fundamentals

-Basic Java Program

-Compile and run a Java program

-Understanding console output

-Java Variables and Data Types

-Java Operators

-Conditional statements


-Break and continue


-Single Dimensional array

-Double Dimensional array

-String Class

-String methods

Module-2: Java OOPS Concepts

-Classes and Objects

-Java methods

-Passing parameters to the methods

-Call by value and call by reference

-Java Constructor

-Method Overloading

-Constructor Overloading

-this keyword

-Static variables and methods

-Java Inheritance

-Method Overriding

-super keyword

-final keyword

-Java Interfaces

-Java Packages

-Access Modifiers

-Exception Handling

-Array List

-Hash Map

-JDBC  See you Inside the course. Thank you

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Mastering C++ Language - C++ Programming For Beginners

Are you looking to embark on a journey into the world of programming? Do you want to learn a versatile and powerful language that forms the backbone of countless software applications, games, and systems? If so, "Mastering C++: C++ Programming Language for Beginners" is the ideal course to kickstart your programming career.

Course Overview:

C++ is a widely used programming language known for its efficiency, performance, and versatility. It's an excellent choice for beginners due to its structured and easily readable syntax, making it an ideal entry point into the world of programming. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive and hands-on introduction to C++ for those who are new to programming or have minimal prior experience.

Why learn C++ programming language?

Learn C++ for its versatility, high performance, and widespread use in industries like gaming, finance, and system programming. C++ supports object-oriented programming and offers cross-platform development capabilities. Mastering it provides a strong foundation in programming fundamentals, making it easier to adapt to other languages. With a robust community and a demand for C++ skills in the job market, it's a valuable choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Why enrolling in this course?

Enrolling in the course "Mastering C++: C++ Programming Language for Beginners" offers several compelling reasons:

-Solid Foundation in C++ Programming: This course is designed specifically for beginners with no prior programming experience. By enrolling, you'll build a strong foundation in C++ programming, starting from the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts.

-Hands-On Learning: The course focuses on practical, hands-on learning. You will write and execute C++ code, work on programming exercises, and even complete projects to apply what you've learned. This practical experience is invaluable for mastering any programming language.

-Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): The course covers OOP principles, a fundamental programming concept. Understanding OOP is crucial for designing efficient and organized software, and this course ensures you grasp these concepts effectively.

-Standard Template Library (STL): You will learn to work with the STL, a powerful feature of C++ that simplifies many common programming tasks. This knowledge is highly practical and will make your code more efficient and reusable.

-Real-World Application: The course includes projects and real-world application development, giving you the opportunity to create your own C++ applications, games, or software projects. This hands-on experience will help you apply your skills in a practical context.

-Preparation for Advanced Programming: If you plan to pursue more advanced programming courses or a career in software development, this course will lay a solid groundwork. It will equip you with the skills and knowledge to tackle more complex programming challenges.

-Career Opportunities: Learning C++ is valuable for aspiring software developers. It opens up opportunities in industries such as game development, finance, systems programming, and more. This course can be a stepping stone to a rewarding career in technology.

-Expert Instruction: The course is likely to be led by experienced instructors who can guide you through the learning process, answer your questions, and provide valuable insights based on their practical experience.

-Community and Support: Enrolling in the course connects you with a community of fellow learners, fostering collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and resources. You'll have access to a support network as you progress through the material.

-Transferable Skills: Even if you decide to explore other programming languages in the future, the skills and concepts you learn in C++ are highly transferable. Understanding C++ can make it easier to learn and adapt to new languages.

Enrolling in the "Mastering C++: C++ Programming Language for Beginners" course is a great choice if you are looking to acquire a valuable skillset in programming. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some prior experience, this course provides a structured and comprehensive learning path to become proficient in C++, preparing you for a wide range of exciting opportunities in the field of software development.

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HTML -  The Complete Guide to HTML for Beginners

Are you prepared to take a thrilling trip into the web development industry? "The Complete Guide to HTML Zero to Hero" is the best resource for learning HTML and becoming a web development hero, regardless of your level of experience.

Understanding HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is essential for anyone interested in developing websites or web applications or enhancing their digital literacy. HTML is the foundation of the website. With the help of this extensive Udemy course, we will take you from having no prior HTML knowledge to a hero-level grasp, enabling you to work with developers, produce beautiful websites, and even pursue a career in web development.

What You'll Learn:

-HTML Fundamentals: Begin with the basics of HTML, understanding its structure, elements, and how it works to create web content.

-Semantic HTML: Discover the power of semantic tags, enabling you to build well-structured and accessible web pages.

-HTML Forms: Learn to create interactive forms for user input, critical for everything from contact forms to login pages.

-HTML5 and Modern Techniques: Dive into the latest HTML5 features and techniques for building cutting-edge web applications.

-HTML and CSS Integration: Understand how HTML works alongside CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to style and design web pages.

-Responsive Design: Learn to make your web content responsive, ensuring it looks great on various devices and screen sizes.

-Web Standards and Best Practices: Explore industry standards and best practices for creating robust, accessible, and SEO-friendly web content.

-Building a Portfolio: Put your skills into practice by creating a personal portfolio website to showcase your work and knowledge.

-Debugging and Troubleshooting: Master the art of debugging and fixing common HTML errors.

-Real-World Projects: Engage in hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios, including building a blog, e-commerce site, and more.

Why Take This Course?

-Practical Learning: This course is designed with a hands-on approach, ensuring you gain practical experience as you learn.

-Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering all aspects of HTML, you'll have a thorough understanding of the language and its application.

-Professional Guidance: Your instructor, a seasoned web developer, will provide expert guidance, tips, and best practices.

-Lifetime Access: Once enrolled, you'll have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit and refresh your knowledge whenever needed.

-Certificate of Completion: Receive a certificate to showcase your HTML expertise and enhance your professional credentials.

-Community and Support: Join our student community, interact with fellow learners, and get access to instructor support.

"The Complete Guide to HTML Zero to Hero" is the best course to help you reach your objectives, whether you want to learn web development, improve your web design abilities, or just grasp the language that controls the web. Enroll today and start your journey from HTML zero to hero status!

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The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of web development, where you can bring your ideas to life and create dynamic, interactive websites and applications? Welcome to "The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert," your comprehensive guide to mastering JavaScript, the programming language that fuels the modern web.

JavaScript is the backbone of web development, and in this course, we'll take you from a complete beginner with no prior coding experience to a JavaScript expert who can build sophisticated web applications with ease. Whether you're an aspiring developer, an entrepreneur looking to build your own website, or a professional seeking to enhance your programming skills, this course is your key to unlocking the full potential of JavaScript.

Key Learning Objectives:

-JavaScript Fundamentals: Start from scratch, understanding the core concepts, syntax, and data types of JavaScript.

-Control Structures: Dive into conditional statements and loops, enabling you to control the flow of your programs.

-Functions: Master the art of creating and using functions to structure your code and solve complex problems.

-Object-Oriented Programming: Understand object-oriented principles and how to create, use, and manipulate objects in JavaScript.

-Document Object Model (DOM): Explore how to interact with HTML and CSS to create dynamic and responsive web pages.

-Asynchronous JavaScript: Learn how to work with asynchronous operations, including promises, async/await, and AJAX for powerful, responsive web applications.

-ES6 and Modern JavaScript: Embrace the latest JavaScript features, including arrow functions, classes, and modules, ensuring your code is cutting-edge.

-Practical Projects: Apply your skills to real-world projects, from interactive web pages to simple web applications.

Why Choose This Course?

-Comprehensive Curriculum: This course is structured to take you from a JavaScript novice to an expert, ensuring you have a deep understanding of the language.

-Hands-On Learning: Practice your skills with coding exercises, quizzes, and projects that simulate real-world web development scenarios.

-Expert Instruction: Benefit from the guidance of experienced instructors who are passionate about teaching JavaScript and helping you succeed.

-Lifetime Access: Enroll once and enjoy lifetime access to the course materials, keeping your skills up-to-date with the latest JavaScript advancements.

-Versatile Language: Whether you're interested in web development, app development, or server-side scripting, JavaScript is an essential skill to have in your toolkit.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of JavaScript and pave the way for a successful career in web development? Enroll today in "The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert" and become a proficient JavaScript developer. Don't miss this opportunity to master one of the most influential programming languages in the world. Your journey to JavaScript expertise begins here!

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Free Udemy Coupons for Today / Ethically Hack the Planet Part 1 ($19.99 to FREE)
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Ethically Hack the Planet Part 1

Welcome to the foundational segment of our Ethical Hacking course, tailored to empower beginners in mastering the essentials of this dynamic domain. Led by a seasoned instructor, this module sets the stage for an illuminating learning journey.

Begin by unraveling the core concept of Ethical Hacking, understanding its pivotal role in cybersecurity. With a focus on practicality, you'll delve into Linux commands, building a robust skill set crucial for ethical hacking endeavors. These commands serve as the backbone for effective navigation within hacking scenarios.

The exploration advances to Phishing attacks, shedding light on their intricate methodologies and potential consequences. Equipped with this knowledge, you'll also grasp proactive measures to thwart such exploits.

The module's comprehensive approach extends to Browser Security, Location Security, and Wifi Testing—topics vital for comprehending modern cyber threats. This knowledge arms you with the ability to safeguard digital landscapes.

Continuing the journey, delve into Windows and Mobile Testing, exploring their vulnerabilities and defenses. Steganography's significance is uncovered, showcasing the covert techniques employed in concealing information.

The module culminates in Password Security, an essential skill for ethical hackers. By grasping various techniques, you'll be well-equipped to strengthen digital fortresses and avert potential breaches.

Under the mentorship of our seasoned instructor, this course module offers a solid bedrock for venturing into the realm of Ethical Hacking. Armed with an array of practical skills, you'll embark on a rewarding journey of exploration and growth in the realm of cybersecurity. Start your transformative learning experience today!

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SQL complete Bootcamp From Basics to Advanced,Sql interview


Store large number of records

Share huge data set among many people

Add and edit data easily

Quick and easy to find information


Column   as Attribute 

Row as Entity Instance

Table as Entity

AlternateKey as UniqueKey


90% of the tables in database will be linked with another tables.

10%of the tables will be independent.

There are three types of relationships between tables

one to one

one to many

many to many

Tables can have a single / multiple relationships or may not have relationships.

Structured data - 2 dimensional data Rows,Columns

PrimaryKey in one table will be given as ForiegnKey in another table to build relationship.



PrimaryKey & ForiegnKey with relationship between them.

1 to 1 - any PrimaryKey can become ForiegnKey

1 to many employees in a department

PK of parent table will be FK in child table

Department table Deptid(PK),DeptName,

Employees Table  Empid,EmpName,DeptId(FK)

many to many(students and teachers,patients & doctors,Hospital & Doctors)(TeacherId,TeacherName)(StudentId,StudentName,TeacherId)

New table will be created and extra column will be added(Bridge Table)

Patient Table(PatientNo(PK),PatientName,Adress),

Doctors Table(DoctorNo(PK),Name,Qualification,Salary, DateOfJoining, DateOfResigning)

Patient Doctor Table()

SDLC-Software Development Life Cycle


 Analysis & Design




Domain expert(SRS documentation)


SQL developers



ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram)

Peter Chan-Used to design Database

Referential Integrity

 SQL server performs existence check when we create relationship.


A table which has both PrimaryKey and ForiegnKey in it & ForiegnKey refering the primary key in the same table.

You are going to learn

commands (DDL,DML,DQL,DCL,TCL)










Auto Increment



query writing


sub query

derived table



Stored Procedures




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Free Udemy Coupons for Today / Root Cause Analysis: Certification ($64.99 to FREE)
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Root Cause Analysis: Certification

Having the ability to Root Cause an issue as it arises within a team or organization is a hugely important skill to have. With this course, you will learn how to deliver effective root cause analysis in a range of situations and scenarios. You will leave the course understanding how to reduce the errors and issues plaguing your key processes and outputs. You will be able to effectively improve the quality of your processes, products and services by reducing defects in how they are delivered. You will know how to utilize the tools available to generate insight into the actual causes of your biggest problems, giving you the information needed to identify the right solutions and fixes, quickly.

In this course, you will learn:

- What is a root cause analysis?

- What is the process required to conduct an root cause analysis? (The 8D Process).

- The purpose and importance of root cause analysis.

- Tools and methods required for root cause analysis.

- Key points to consider when conducting root cause analysis (controls, causes, types, people etc.)

- A case study example.

Organizations today are crying out for people that have the skills, knowledge and toolkits available to pivot quickly when a problem or issue occurs. Having these skills will enable you to remove bottlenecks quicker, understand the origins of errors better and in turn, speed up your key processes. THIS is adding value to your organization - something that organizational leaders will be keen to see!

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Laravel 10 - For Beginner to Advanced (2024)

You know the latest Laravel version is now Laravel 10. So we have created a very complete course on Laravel 10. If you are new to Laravel or beginner to Laravel, you will be able to learn it in advanced level from this course.

Here we have taught the students:

-Composer - Installing composer in local machine, installing package using composer

-MVC (Model, View, Controller) - How it works and details about this

-Laravel 10 Installation - Installation process, directory structure and about the .env file

-Route - Basic route, route parameter, route group, prefix etc.

-Middleware - How it works, types of middleware, registering etc.

-Controller - Basic controller, partial and resource controller

-View - view features (extends, include, yield, section), conditions, loop

-Working with Database - Connection, model, migration, seeder, fakers etc.

-Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system in Laravel 10 - Environment setup, validation, store data, show, edit, delete data from database

-Image CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system in Laravel 10 - Environment setup, validation, store data, show, edit, delete image from database

-Using Image Intervention in Laravel 10 - Image crud with intervention image, environment setup, store, delete, edit and show the data

-Complete Authentication System with Laravel 10 UI - Create project, user registration, email verification, login and logout in authentication, forget password system, reset password system

Update Log

Added Tutorial For Laravel 9 to Laravel 10 Version Upgrade - 01 March, 2023

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Certificate in Lean Six Sigma Foundations

This certificate course on Foundations of  Lean Six Sigma provides an elementary level orientation on the fundamental concepts that form the foundation of lean six sigma. The course is designed for beginner level professionals who aim to gain basic understanding and fundamental level skillset that they can utilize in their professional career. The course material covers the concepts that lay the groundwork for advance level certifications in lean six sigma including yellow belt, green belt, and black belt. The application of the skills learned during the course not only leads to career growth but also results in organizational development. Professionals trained in the lean six sigma methodology can enhance their career by helping their organization with lean management projects and process improvement initiatives.

The course material has been developed by Kashan Awais, the President and CEO of Naburva Business Solutions Inc. The topics and material covered in the course has been derived from Naburva's Lean Six Sigma Yellow Body of Knowledge. Kashan is a member of the American Society for Quality's panel of experts who provide lean six sigma trainings to organizations across the globe. Naburva has provided lean six sigma training to hundreds of professionals from SME's as well as multi-billion-dollar corporations in North America and Asia.

As this is an elementary level course, there are no quizzes or assignments. The learners will obtain a certification after successful completion of this course.

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Laravel 10 - Build Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website (2023)

Laravel 10 - Build Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website (2023)

Are you ready to take your Laravel skills to the next level? In this course, you will build a complete multi-vendor e-commerce project from scratch using Laravel 10. This project-based course is designed to help you become a professional Laravel developer and give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Why Learn Laravel 10?

Laravel 10 is the latest version of the popular PHP framework and comes packed with new features and improvements, making it faster and more efficient than ever before. It's easy to learn and has a huge community, making it the perfect choice for building robust and scalable web applications.

What Will You Learn?

In this course, you will learn how to build a feature-rich multi-vendor e-commerce platform with advanced functionalities such as:

-Multi Vendor Ecommerce project with Laravel 10

-Laravel Fundamentals A-Z

-Advanced Product Management System

-Multi-authentication as Admin-Vendor-User

-Multi Vendor Feature

-Advanced Product Search

-Advanced Product Coupon System

-Advanced Product Variants Feature

-Multi-Product Image Upload Feature

-Product Review & Rating System

-Product Discount Feature

-Multiple Payment Gateways

-Product Wishlist Feature

-Order Management Feature

-Advanced Add-to-Cart Feature

-Shipping Rule System

-Blog Management System

-Advanced Order Tracking System

-Password Change Option for Admin-Vendor-User

-Dynamic Newsletter Feature

-Advertisement Feature

-Transaction History Option

-And More

Why Choose This Course?

Unlike other courses that only cover the basics, this course is designed to help you build a complete, real-world project from scratch. You will not only learn how to write code, but also gain valuable insights into project management and best practices. Plus, you will have access to the complete source code of the project and lifetime access to the course materials.

What's more, once you have completed this course, you will have a highly marketable skill set and the potential to earn a high income as a professional Laravel developer.

Enroll now and take the first step towards building your dream multi-vendor e-commerce platform with Laravel 10!

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