
Do not use alcohol to clean LCD screens

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Do not use alcohol to clean LCD screens
« on: Feb 02, 2016, 07:59 PM »
LCDs are not glass, they are porous plastic and can be ruined by alcohol and ammonia. This are great for a Plasma which is actual glass, but don't use this stuff on an LCD, especially if it has a matte finish.

From Sony's website:

"WARNING: There is a risk of hardware damage. Do not use any type of spray window cleaner , abrasive pad, paper towels, scouring powder or solvents (such as alcohol, paint thinner or benzene). These items may damage the screen of the television or the electrical circuitry and can scratch or strip the finish on the cabinet."

You may find screen cleaners with Alcohol, but does that really mean they are ok?

From my Dell and Sony literature, they recommend Klear Screen. From KlearScreen's description of their product:


and from their FAQ"

"Plastics and Computer manufacturers consistently do not recommend alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners."

Stay clear of either alcohol or ammonia - I fell out of my chair when I saw this "how to" - this should be a "don't do".